Old World
New World
Old World wines come from countries that have been making quality wine for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Wine is known to have been made as far back as 6000 BC. These countries include the obvious countries of Europe but also Eastern Europe, the Near East and Northern Africa. Basically, anywhere the Roman Empire was. They were very instrumental in spreading viniculture. Not all old world countries currently make high quality wine, though many are beginning to make a comeback.
New World wines are relatively new to producing wine, generally learning the process through colonization. These countries include all of the Americas, southern Africa, far east Asia and the Oceania countries of Australia and New Zealand.
Old World
Based on traditional winemaking methods that go back hundreds, if not thousands of years
Consistent flavors that match the culture, food and land of each region
Wine laws govern what grapes can be grown, irrigation regulations, min/max alcohol % allowed, limitation on yields
New World
More modern approach, open to experimentation
More obvious branding (bright colors, unique labels)
Wine flavors will vary within a region
Minimum amount of wine laws...rules are meant to be broken